Alone on a remote island, a plane crash survivor finally gets his chance to contact the outside world…
- DIRECTOR /J.L. Wolfenstein
- COUNTRY /France
- CATEGORIES /Short film
- RUNTIME /3:21
- YEAR /2017

Director Biography
J.L. Wolfenstein
I was born in Paris, 1991. Growing up with music videos and late 90s films, I knew pretty early on that’s what I wanted to do. Loved Gondry, Fincher, Spielberg – then on to Kubrick, Aronofsky, The Coen brothers and so many more. I got my first camera at age 14, and I’ve moved on from project to project ever since. So I went to film university where I got my degree and met great people.
One thing I love in movies is how sound can tell stories. In 2014, still finishing up my studies, I co-wrote and directed my first short Noise & Confusion about a rare auditory symptom called hyperacusis, which was awarded Best Score at the TMC London Festival.
Sound design and stories where sound plays an important part continue to fascinate me, I always try to include it in my work, commercials or short films. I’m now writing a mini-series and developing my first feature script.
Director: J.L. Wolfenstein
Writer: Marion Duariac
Producer: J.L. Wolfenstein
Key Cast: Akil Wingate